Credit Cards | ارسال لصديق |
In addition to Majdy Mohsin Wardah borrowing large sums of money and never paying it back, he has used other people's credit cards to run up thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges, leaving them to pay the bill. We have included this information about Majdy Wardah's use of credit cards on www.STOPMajdyWardah.com as a warning to others not to make the same mistake that those before them have made. By Allaah, you should not loan your credit card to Majdy Wardah (مجدي وردة) because he may use it in ways you never intended. Even if he says he will pay you back (which he has told others in the past), know that you in the end may have to pay for Majdy Wardah's deceit and his extravagant purchases. In early 2008, Majdy Wardah approached a brother's wife claiming he needed to borrow her husband's American Express card to "maybe buy groceries". By the time the brother learned of what had happened less than six weeks later, Majdy Mohsin Wardah had run up charges on his credit card totaling $5101.33. Little of the money Majdy Wardah spent on this brother's card was actually groceries. Some of things Majdy Wardah purchased in this short amount of time include:
Would an honest man make these purchases if he borrowed the card to "maybe buy groceries?" Would an honest heart consider these purchases reasonable for someone that owes his Muslim brothers tens of thousands of dollars? When the brother asked Majdy Wardah for the card back, Wardah became angry and said he was disappointed with the brother because he had "planned to take the card to Egypt". Before Majdy Wardah was given the American Express card, he promised that he would pay back anything he charged. Until now, Majdy Wardah still owes this brother over $3,500. Majdy Wardah (مجدي وردة) never calls him to try to pay back this money and ignores all attempts by this brother to work out a solution. Wardah does not seem to care about the debt and continues to live his life normally. Below are copies of the American Express statements during the periods Majdy Wardah was using the credit card. The brother's name as well as any purchases not made by Majdy Wardah have been redacted. All of the files are in PDF file format, and you will need a PDF reader to open them. If you do not already have a PDF reader on your computer, you can download a free PDF reader from http://get.adobe.com/reader/. To save copies of these files to your computer, right click on any of the links below, and select "Save Target As".