Honda Pilot |
On December 15, 2007, Majdy Wardah went to College Park Honda in College Park, Maryland to purchase a vehicle. While there, Majdy Wardah purchased a nearly fully-equipped 2008 Honda Pilot; the cost of the vehicle before financing was $36,280.45. Majdy Wardah routinely tells people that his credit is ruined and that he can not finance purchases using his credit alone. Therefore, to qualify for financing, Majdy Wardah had a brother cosign with him on the loan agreement with Honda Financial. The brother agreed to cosign on the condition that all payments would be made on time and that Majdy Wardah would have sole possession of the Honda Pilot. The cosigner never intended to use the car or pay any of the expenses associated with the vehicle. He was simply trying to help. Initially, a second brother (whose initials are BH) promised the cosigner that he would help Majdy Wardah make payments on the vehicle; the brother (BH) made this promise at the request of Majdy Wardah as a way to address the co-signer's concerns and misgivings. The brother (BH) helped Majdy Wardah with the car payments until November 2008 when he learned the true nature of Majdy Wardah's character. In addition, Majdy Wardah had already taken large amounts of money from this brother (in total more than $125,000) leaving him nearly bankrupt and unable to help pay for the car even if he wanted to. When Majdy Wardah was informed of the situation, Wardah claimed he would make all the payments himself going forward. Since then, Majdy Wardah has failed to make many of the vehicle's monthly payments. This has caused substantial damage to the credit of the cosigner on the loan, whose credit score has fallen from above 700 to now in the 500s. Despite claiming to be unable to make the payments, Majdy Wardah has kept the car and has been indifferent to the harm this is causing the cosigner. Because of Majdy Wardah's failure to make the payments on the vehicle, Honda Financial decided they needed to repossess the Honda Pilot in an attempt to mitigate their losses. When a Honda Financial investigator contacted Majdy Wardah about the vehicle, Wardah falsely claimed that the brother who was previously helping him make the car payments took $26,000 from him, and if Honda Financial helped him get the money from the brother, then Wardah would make the outstanding payments. This statement was entirely untrue and could have resulted in legal issues for the brother if Majdy Wardah had been believed. Honda Financial later contacted the brother about what Majdy Wardah had told them, and the brother assured them that what Wardah had said was completely false. After Majdy Wardah's initial discussion with the Honda Financial investigator, Wardah started driving a different car and refused to tell anyone the location of the Honda Pilot. As of now, no one has been able to find the vehicle. Majdy Wardah has also stopped answering Honda Financial's phone calls. This has caused further damage to the credit of the cosigner and has left him financially liable for the vehicle if it is not located. Majdy Wardah's actions concerning the Honda Pilot raises the following questions:
One should sincerely consider these issues and whether an honest, righteous person would have done the same if put in a similar situation. The cosigner has requested STOPMajdyWardah.com's assistance in finding the car so that his credit is not harmed further, and he is not sued by Honda Financial for the outstanding loan balance. In addition, Honda Financial has requested that anyone with information on the location of the car contact them so their financial rights can be restored as well. The vehicle's information is:
The contact information for the Honda Financial investigator is:
You can also contact either of the repossession companies directly. Their contact information is:
Below is a copy of the purchase contract for the Honda Pilot provided to us by the cosigner. While the cosigner signed as a co-buyer on the form (at the instruction of Honda Financial), Majdy Wardah is the one in sole possession of the Honda Pilot and was to make all payments; the cosigner only took part in the deal because of Majdy Wardah's low credit score and not because he wanted any stake in the vehicle or intended to help with the payments. The file is in PDF file format, and you will need a PDF reader to open it. If you do not already have a PDF reader on your computer, you can download a free PDF reader from http://get.adobe.com/reader/. To save a copy of this file to your computer, right click on the link below, and select "Save Target As".