Statement of the Scholars |
Following the publication of this website, Majdy Wardah attempted to demonize individuals who stood up to oppression and spoke out against his injustice. Likewise, he attempted to spread the notion that this effort was created due to jealousy, ulterior personal motives, or hatred for the Islaamic dawaah he calls to; none of which even has a single ounce of truth. Controversies caused by Majdy Wardah's behavior existed many years before the creation of STOPMajdyWardah.com. Likewise, news and proof of Majdy Wardah's misconduct long ago reached the senior students of knowledge and scholars of this ummah. Many of them hoped that Majdy Wardah would realize the error of his ways and correct his behavior. Eventually, this hope faded into disappointment. Therefore, to prevent further harm reaching any Muslims and to discharge the trust upon them, the mashayakh (pl. shaykh) of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) issued a statement and a warning to Muslims all around the world concerning Majdy Wardah. Their words have been supported by senior scholars of Egypt. The text of their statement can be found below.
The following is a list of some of the mashayakh that have supported the statement from the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) and otherwise concerning Majdy Wardah. To view a signed copy of the document from any of these mashayakh, you can click on their name below. You can also find a compiled document with copies of all of the mashayakh's signatures by clicking here. The only exception to this is Shaykh Muhammad Abdul-Maqsood who supported this statement verbally; the recording of which can be found here. Signatories from the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA)Shaykh Salah as-Sawy, Ph.D. Shaykh Waleed Basyouni, Ph.D. Shaykh Muhammad Syed Adly Major Supporters of the AMJA StatementShaykh Muhammad Abdul-Maqsood, Ph.D.Well-known Scholar and Preacher of Cairo, Egypt Shaykh/Dr. Yasser Borhamy Lecturer, Preacher, and Scholar of Alexandria, Egypt Supervisor of SalafVoice.com English TranslationIn the Name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Statement from the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA)All praise is due to Allaah. May peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allaah, his family, his companions, and his supporters. To Proceed: The complaints against an individual involved with the da’wah (calling to Islaam and Allaah) have become overwhelming and from many sources. This person habitually embeds himself in the finances of others for either an investment or as an urgent loan. He would then waste that money in ways other than what was intended to the extent that he would have difficulty paying it back. Because of that, those that met him have lost their trust in the people associated with da’wah. That person is brother Majdy Wardah, may Allaah forgive him, guide him, and shield him from his own evil. There have been numerous victims in several states and various regions, and the total amount of all these injustices has reached an astounding figure. Many of those that love him have advised him both secretly and in public and even provided him opportunities for decent work that would have: satisfied his needs, allowed him to maintain face, and shielded him from falling into these destructive acts. However, he did not listen to anyone’s advice so the injustices and complaints continued. In addition, he fabricated for himself scholarly, religious positions and academic degrees. We advise him to repent to Allaah, the Most High, and to keep in his mind – a matter that he is well aware of – that the rights of others will never be forgotten by Allaah, and retribution is inevitable. We also advise the Muslims, whether individuals or institutions, to be careful when dealing with him and that they should realize that he has in countless situations deceived many people and consumed their wealth unlawfully. It was difficult for the signatories of this statement to write this document since this person, who involved himself in these shameful acts, is considered to be from those associated with the da’wah. However, the responsibility to advise necessitates that we resist this hardship and write these words to discharge the trust and to protect the wealth of the innocents from unlawful attack. We ask Allaah, the Most High, to guide us, him, and all the Muslims, and to protect us from the evils of our actions and ourselves. Serving Allaah is our primary intention for He is the One that guides to the Straight Path.
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